Sunday, October 14, 2007

1 Day...

Hey there friends and family! My going away party went so well, and now I only have 17 hours left in Manitoba! All of my gear that was stroon around my room has now been crammed and jammed and alakazam! that last one didnt really fit, but you get the general idea.

The stuff is in the bag.

My little guitar will hopefully fit in the overhead compartment on the plane, if not ill be forced to check it...which I am a little scared to do. Its such a little fragile guitar, as well as my only instument that I'll have constant access to on this trip...

What is ahead? I have no idea.
Who will I meet? I have a slight idea...most likely dirty hippies and even dirtier locals. im sure ill also see a side of Ben that I didnt bargen for...

Ive never been a huge blog reading fan, and writing in them is even harder for me. I'll be posting mostly my journal entries on here, and the occational photo.

And with that, I leave you.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Again, I'm jealous of you.

A word of advice on the guitar, if you keep it slung over your shoulder, the ticket agents will rarely ask you to size it (since they can't see it). And, if you do have to check it, make sure that you check it at the gate just before you get on the plane. Those things get put on top and are almost always things like strollers and walkers.

You most likely won't have a problem getting it on the plane, but if you do have to check it, sky check it (at the gate) and get them to put a "fragile" sticker on it.